Anse De La Galère  

General Data


Dock Services


Bounded in the North by the namesake promontory, the Anse de la Galère is one among the numerous and beautiful bays in the island of Porquellores, in the Hyéres archipelago.

The anchorage is situated in the south-eastern shore of the island, north of the so-called Sèche des Sarraniers.

Well-sheltered from western winds, it even offers a good shelter against mistral in the North thanks to the presence of Pointe de la Galère.

On the contrary, it is completely exposed to south-east winds and waves. Anyway, anchorage is recommended only in good weather conditions.

In the Porquellores Island motorboats are generally allowed to approach with the engine running up to 600 mt off the shore. However, in the southern side of the bay, a transit corridor has been recently established for motorboats. The maximum speed allowed is 12 knots at 600 mt off the shore, 5 knots under 300 mt from the shore.

The bay can host up to 10 boats simultaneously.

It offers a very wild landscape, surrounded by rocks and pine forests, all plunged in an extremely peaceful background.

The only - very small - beach in the bay is situated in the middle of the cove. It is composed by subtle gravel and offers no service or comfort.

It is very difficult to reach and requires a little bit of sporty attitude: visitors can in fact reach the northern shore of the island by bike from the plage de Notre Dame and through the so-called Piste de la Galère.

Some researches started in the '80s have led to the discovery of some ancient ruins.

The Porquellores Island is part of the Parc National de Port-Cros, where specific rules have been established in order to preserve the local ecosystem. 

The area surrounding the Anse della Galère is very appreciated by scuba divers because of the beauty of sea beds.


