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Dock Services


Milo is the island which "closes" the archipelago of Cyclades on the south-eastern side. Small and relatively little known, it still preserves most of its natural features. The whole eastern part of the island is in fact difficult to reach and visit because of a network of dirt tracks, made of large chunks of stone.

Milo is a volcanic island and, in some ways, it reminds the more popular Santorini. Here, too, the flood of the central caldera formed the bay of Milo, the largest bay of the island which hosts the main harbour and one of the largest bays of the Mediterranean. Like Santorini, Milo offers some unrivalled natural landscapes: inlets similar to fjords, bizarre rocky formations, cliffs of any colour and a mineral wealth which has become both tormet and delight of the island over the years.

The north-western part of its surface is, in fact, literally devastated by the countless mineral extraction mines. However, the rest of the island has kept its Greek nature, with its typical houses and architecture, the numerous archeological remains, the Venetian castles, evidence of a domination time Milo experienced. Consequently, the Archeological Museum of Milo is a "must-see", together with Christian catacombs, near the city, and the place where the famous Venus of Milo was found. Yes, the beautiful statue kept at Louvre Museum was found here in 1820 together with some other statues by a peasant who later sold it to  the Moldovans while the French - informed by the peasant himself since a French delegate was on the island - were coming to take it away. After some fights and quarrels, we know how the story came to an end.

The reference harbour in Milo is that one of Adamas, on the north-western side of the bay. Be careful at the entrance of the bay: many rocks raise in fact both on the eastern side and all around Cape Bombarda.

The harbour of Milo includes a cement quay and a floating dock. The shelter the harbour offers is perfect in case of northern winds, not good, on the contrary, in case of southern winds, without considering the numerous big waves generated by ferries.

Boats usually moor on the southern side of the floating dock, since the northern one is generally used by local boats. Here, mooring ropes are available. Yachtsmen can choose the cement quay, too, but in this case there are no mooring ropes, thus they must use their anchor. Large boats and yachts can use the western zone, next to the ferries terminal; depth varies from 4 to 6 metres.

The harbour offers several services: electricity, water, tourist desk, fuel tanks, toilets, shops, laundry, restaurants, car and moto rental. Everything at good prices
